With a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration and experience teaching Gender Empowerment, Indian and Western Political Thought and Goan Politics at Goa University and at two other leading colleges in Goa, Shilpa was well prepared to take over as Coordinator of 10 HoPE Centers in Goa,...
WATCH THIS VIDEO On February 10th, 70 donors and sponsors of HoPE Learning Centers from around the globe enjoyed a heart to heart connection with 40 HoPE Heroes (special bright children who won awards for leadership, acts of compassion, overall improvements and personal transformations). The...
His vision is big. It is ambitious – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtyrlPWCgUk&feature=youtu.be In this vision, poor children everywhere are transformed through the help of his successful HoPE Learning Centers. The education provided at these centers has literally been proven to be the...
Jiccky is a true HoPE Hero. He is a great role model of a successful businessman who works hard to share prosperity with the poorest people. He is one of the first sponsors of HoPE Centers and is interested in every aspect of the children’s transformation. Gifted with authentic passion to...
HoPE Centers are supported by generous donors. 23-year-old Jordan Kaplowitz turned his dream of sponsoring poor children into reality by using his Facebook birthday wish to request that friends help sponsor a HoPE Center. You can do this too! Ask your friends to help you sponsor an entire HoPE...
A Hope Center is made up of students, like Jeevetha. She is from the village Puducherrymedu, which is north of Chennai and has 120 houses. It is very dry, so agriculture is entirely dependent on rains. Jeevetha is in 9th grade. Every day, she and 50 other children from her village used to...
Our first step in screening children to be admitted to HoPE Learning Centers is to visit their homes to view their living conditions. During one visit in May 2012, we met this 12-year-old angel. Even though there was a sad look in her eyes, she was bold and said, “My name is Powrnica. My parents...
Meena met Dr. Baskaran Pillai, the founder of Tripura Foundation, while working at Credit Suisse. She soon took a trip to India and her life took on all new dimensions. She noticed that 12-year –old children looked like 6-year-old children in the USA. She soon moved to India to run the Corporate...
‘PI’ or Phonemic Intelligence (formerly known as MST or Mind-Sound Technology) is what Dr. Baskaran Pillai, the founder of Tripura Foundation, calls the core of his Revolutionary Educational Program. This program utilizes sounds to ‘upgrade’ the mind, body and spirit as it cultivates intelligence...
Welcome to the Tripura Foundation Newsletter: Hope Post May 2011 In This Mother’s Day Edition: Hope Initiatives Expanding *”Hope on Wheels” Updates * ALL NEW “Hope Learning Centers” Help to Continue the Expansion Global Donations – Tax Exemptions We Build Hope...
Our crew has got the rhythm down now for shopping, chopping, cooking, packing and distributing the hot nutritious meals that Hope on Wheels delivers weekly to Chennai’s less fortunate. There are many slums or pockets of hutments that are erected in any space available in residential,...