As a leader in on-the-ground efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in the world, Tripura Foundation is proud to announce our recent accreditation as a consulting non-governmental organization to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This designation comes with extensive...
Meet Lokesh, one of our HoPE Learning Center students. This ten-year-old boy is as courageous and hardworking as can be. Lokesh single-handedly takes care of his unemployed alcoholic father and two younger siblings. His father started drinking after Lokesh’s mother passed away. At first,...
“Where Will My Next Meal Come From?” Every day, millions of people come face-to-face with this very question. And all they can do is HOPE… Hope that their next meal will come from SOMEONE. Someone like you. Click below to listen to our Hunger Song: Join your hands with ours to...
Pavadharini is 11 years old. When she came to one of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Centers, she shared her story in a voice that was barely loud enough for us to hear. She shared that her mother committed suicide when she was just 7 years old. Pavadharini was left with her father,...
Lalitha joined one of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Centers about three years ago. She is the youngest of six children. She lost her mother at birth, and as the sole wage-earner, her father struggles to provide the basic necessities for himself and his children. When she joined our...
Pir used to behave in ill-mannered ways, causing trouble for his teachers in class and refusing to study or do his homework. His grades suffered and so did his sense of self worth. That is, until he began practicing Tripura Foundation’s Phonemic Intelligence (PI) technique at the HoPE...
A few months ago, we shared the story of Sabreesh, one of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Center students and a 2014 Hope Hero awardee. Sabreesh suffered from a rare blood disorder and other health issues that often left him weak, and ultimately shortened his life. Our hearts are heavy at the...
Through our Million Meals of HoPE initiative, we’ve become a vital umbrella organization with a national commitment to feed the hungry. To strategically consolidate efforts, we partner with food banks that have local community reach. One of our partner food banks, Feeding America West Michigan,...
Karupaathaal did not have a great start in life. She has no memories of her childhood, and she was married in her early teens. Life felt cruel to her because she was never blessed with a child. She only had her husband to lean on throughout her life, until he passed away. Since then, she has been...
Panjaliammal and Chinnaponu are two elderly sisters living in India. They both grew up in dire poverty. Their parents barely earned enough to feed the family, so as soon as the sisters were old enough, their parents got them married, and they moved to different areas in India with their...
Selva Kumar was three years old when his parents discovered he had a medical condition. He suffers from partial paralysis. After learning of his condition, his parents abandoned him when he was four years old. They left him in the care of his 70-year-old grandmother. He and his grandmother had...
Hemalatha of Velur, India, is a widow and mother of two children. When Hemalatha married Sugumar, she was barely 22 years of age. Her husband was working as a daily wager in an industrial motor manufacturing company. After six months of marriage, her husband became ill. When she took him to the...
Through our Million Meals of Hope initiative, we have become a vital umbrella organization with a national commitment to feed the hungry. To strategically consolidate efforts, we partner with food banks that have local community reach. One of our partner food banks, City Harvest of New York City,...