As a leader in on-the-ground efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in the world, Tripura Foundation is proud to announce our recent accreditation as a consulting non-governmental organization to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This designation comes with extensive...
AT PIRNA HOPE LEARNING CENTER BEFORE AFTER Sukadha a shy, timid girl who used to be very scared even to speak has turned to be bright and active after joining Hope Center. She has shown improvement not only in...
At Tripura Foundation, we are passionate about our cause to promote equal rights of children, to bring them out of poverty and suffering and to support their full participation in the social and economic development of their communities. That’s our vision and it’s the world we would like to build...
Dear Mohini, We arrived on Sunday night at La Paz, about 2 hours away from Cabo by road on the Mar de Cortez side. It is a semi desertic ecosystem. On Monday we drove approximately 35 minutes to the city of La Pasion, where the Hope center is located, the poverty is extreme, the houses are made of...
There we were taking care of children from the poorest of poor neighborhoods in rural India. We tried our best to support their growth through our HoPE learning centers and also our most innovative Phonemic Intelligence program. But who would have thought that these children would inspire us in...
By Valli Wells Tripura Foundation is Dr. Pillai’s non-profit organization that has several service projects up and running in various counties. He has a great vision for how simple sounds can change the destiny of children. In April, 2014, I had the great joy of visiting two of the Tripura...
I am 11 years old. I remember that before to come to the HoPE center I was confused and I used to fight with my sister, who is 7, and with my mother. Now, with the practice of the sounds, we get along much better; I feel more free and confident. I am studying in 6th grade. I already was a good...
Sounds for Hope US By Alice Moore I suffered a great deal in my youth from anxiety and fear. This directly affected my studies in a negative way. I was not able to concentrate. My mind was always somewhere else. I would daydream to comfort myself or find myself caught in fear in my mind. My...
THE TIMES OF INDIA Published On: February 23, 2014 MADURAI: When 11-year-old N Archana was asked to help someone as part of her after-school activity, she chose to help Periyandi, an elderly woman neighbour. What started as an occasional activity in November involving a neighbour, turned out to be...
This center is located at La Pasion, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Most of the student’s parents are day laborers who earn less than $8 USD per day. Many of the fathers are addicted to drugs and alcohol, so they do not take care of their families. Their houses are like rough wooden...
Mrs. Rajammal was an orphan and now lives alone in a mud house with a thatched roof. Her husband died a long time ago and she is often left alone in this mud house, which may collapse at any time due to its poor condition. It has poor sanitation and inadequate ventilation, which has led Mrs....