
Tripura Foundation is Now a UN accredited NGO!

As a leader in on-the-ground efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in the world, Tripura Foundation is proud to announce our recent accreditation as a consulting non-governmental organization to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This designation comes with extensive...

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Resolution Solution!

While many of us struggle to lose weight, quit smoking, go back to school, or stick to goals aligned with other popular New Year’s resolutions, children all over the world struggle to make it through each day while hungry and living in dire circumstances. Within our HoPE Learning Centers...

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It’s Not Too Late!

As 2016 comes to an end, many of us feel like the holidays flew by too quickly to accomplish everything that we wished to accomplish. Some of us made heartfelt donations to non-profit organizations. Others were not able to do so.  Either way, it is never too late give a gift of any size to benefit...

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A Genuine HoPE Center Santa Claus!

In 2012, we shared stories about Jiccky, a true HoPE Hero and role model. He is a successful businessman who works hard to share his prosperity with the poorest of poor people. Gifted with authentic passion to help the rural poor learn how to live fulfilling and empowered lives, he is personally...

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Rathisha Thrives

Rathisha is a typical fifth grader from Karaikalmedu. She has five best friends. She most enjoys playing volleyball and carom between studies. Her favorite color is ocean blue. She excels in most academic subjects, especially English, but this hasn’t always been the case. When Rathisha first...

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Babu’s Grades Improve

Thanks in part to Tripura Foundation sponsors and teachers, Babu is about to successfully complete his eighth-grade education this academic year. When Babu was enrolled in our HoPE Learning Center last year, he was labelled a “dull student.” His grades were far below average and he did not...

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Diwali Lights Outshine Darkness in 2016!

Diwali is like Christmas in India but with some unique twists. It is “The Festival of Lights,” which commemorates the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. It is an occasion of feasts and festivities, when people gather together to eat and receive new clothes to wear during the upcoming...

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Aarthy Climbs To New Heights

Until 7th grade, Aarthy was, at best, an average student. She is the daughter of an unskilled  construction site laborer who struggles to keep food on the family table. Like most of her classmates, Aarthy has struggled with challenges and hardships. Yet, since joining her local HoPE Learning...

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Kalairasu Fights Cancer With Compassion

Kalaiarasu was ten years old when he was diagnosed with bone cancer. What started as a minor pain in his joints soon led him to being hospitalized three days a week. Despite pain and suffering, he has a story to tell about all the love, care and support given to him within his HoPE Learning...

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Saravanan Gains New Worlds

Like many HoPE Center children, Saravanan and his older sister have laborer parents who struggle every day to put food on the table. They are unable to overcome their conditions and escape poverty for many reasons, the biggest being that they are both illiterate. Saravanan is fortunate to be able...

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