Hope Superstar Pratik | I Can See the Positive Changes in Myself

Hope Superstar Pratik | I Can See the Positive Changes in Myself

Pratik Uday Patale is studying in standard 5th. He lives with his parents and sister. His parents are farmers, and Pratik lives happily with them. They manage to support their family with their small wages as farmers.

Today, Pratik is a calm and well-mannered child who has transformed so much in just a few months.

When he first came to the Hope Station, Pratik was a very mischievous child. For example, he didn’t listen to his parents, and he used to talk back to his teachers and fellow students. In addition, he used harsh words whenever he quarreled with his friends. His behavior hurt others, so people began to stay away from him.

Slowly, by practicing Phonemic Intelligence, Pratik’s behavior and personality began to change significantly.

A few days after his first Phonemic Intelligence practice, Pratik started listening carefully to his teacher during class. His PI practice also transferred Pratik’s personality. He learned how he should behave with people around him. The Personal Transformation communication lessons helped him use his words more carefully when talking to others.

Now, Pratik treats everyone with respect.

He no longer talks back or uses harsh words. Because of these fantastic changes, his relations with his family and friends have improved tremendously, and their bonds have strengthened.

Pratik says that he can see these positive changes in himself, and these changes are solely due to the Hope Station classes.

Pratik enthusiastically participates in our Hope Student Leadership programs, which allow him to bring positive changes to his community. Pratik has become a happy and confident child, and he says he will always be grateful for the Hope Station classes.

Pratik, we celebrate your success!

We applaud your courage and willingness to change with the transformative Phonemic Intelligence practice and other Hope Station curriculum components. You are indeed an inspiration and a Superstar. Well done, Pratik!

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