Pratiksha Waghralkar is a regular student at HLS Hasurwadi. She is in 8th standard studying at Gyansagar Vidhya Niketan High School. She lives with her parents and a sibling. Pratiksha’s parents work as farmers tending to the land to provide a meager lifestyle and basic needs for Pratiksha and her sibling.
Before coming to Hope Learning Station classes, Pratiksha was very shy and preferred to be alone, not often socializing with other students.
Pratiksha was having academic difficulties as well that were plaguing her future. Her academic graph was slowly decreasing, and she was losing marks in her exams because she was struggling in Marathi and Math. She was having problems with the more difficult math problems and making many grammatical mistakes writing simple Marathi sentences. All of this was remedied when she became enrolled at a Hope Learning Station.
As Pratiksha began attending Hope Learning Stations, her parents and teachers noticed a miracle happening.
Slowly, Pratiksha came out of her shell and began developing into a young lady socializing with other classmates!
The Phonemic Intelligence practices taught daily at Hope Learning Stations improved her concentration levels and her ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.
While she now enjoys activities held at Hope Learning Station as a new social butterfly, her academics have also improved.
Where her building blocks of Foundational Literacy has improved her Marathi grammar skills and her ability to write sentences more constructively, also the simple tricks she learned to figure out math problems has improved her scores, and her academic graph is proudly rising!
Pratiksha and her parents are happy and deeply thankful for transforming her into a proud young lady who can hold her head high and accomplish good scores in school with confidence and excellence.
There are so many other young boys and girls attending Hope Learning Stations like Pratiksha who can use your love and support to create the futures that they so deservingly need.
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