How An Act of Love and Compassion Gives Back Manifold!

How An Act of Love and Compassion Gives Back Manifold!

My name is Laura Lin, and I had the blessing of receiving Dr. Pillai’s teachings in 2009. I am a retired corporate lawyer and law professor. I have lost central vision in both eyes due to macular degeneration. My eyesight has worsened even more in the last few months, and it’s no longer safe for me to drive. My eye doctor told me there was nothing he could do medically to help me. At first, I was devastated by this diagnosis.

 Fortunately, because of my deep faith in Dr. Pillai and the Divine, I have been praying for a miracle to improve my eyesight. Last week, in honor of Dr. Pillai during Guru Purnima, I donated to Guru’s Grace Kits and Food for All Grand Feeding.

 This past Sunday, when I was praying, I happened to look up at my 2.5-inch statue of Goddess Varahi. When I received this statute from AstroVed, my vision was so poor that I couldn’t even see whether I was looking at the front or the back of the statute. So, you can imagine my utmost amazement when I could see the face of my Goddess Varahi statute!!! I even closed my eyes and then opened them again several times to make sure.

 Dr. Pillai has always taught that an act of generosity not only benefits the people we are helping, but the blessing of our generous act also comes back to us manifold. When I donated to Guru Purnima, it was a small token of my gratitude for Dr. Pillai’s Love and tireless effort to relieve the suffering of mankind.

 I did not expect this tremendous blessing and miracle of having my prayers answered so quickly. I want to share my miracle with everyone, so everyone can also receive miracles in their lives.

 Be God Bless.

We can pass on the blessings that we have received to the many people in need and be a beacon of Dr. Pillai’s love and compassion.

Tripura will be distributing Guru’s Grace Kits to bring critical supplies to Dr. Pillai’s beloved Hope Communities-including hot meals that will be fed on Guru Purnima through July 7, Dr. Pillai’s Birthstar Day.

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