At 12 years of age, Kavipriya is a young and vibrant student of Class 7. Her mother is a homemaker and her father works in a local garment shop as a salesman, making just enough to feed the family.
Two years ago due to unforeseen circumstances, Kavipriya’s father lost his job, and their lives changed drastically. Previously enrolled in private school, tuition could no longer be covered, and at that time she was enrolled in Hope Center. Since beginning the program, her academic scores have improved and she receives ongoing support from her Hope Station mentor.
Kavipriya says, “I love to do Phonemic Intelligence daily at Hope Center and in my home as it keeps me energetic throughout the day, and I can read my lessons without getting tired for a long time.” While science is her favorite subject, she loves dancing, too, and her skills have earned her three awards in her school.
Kavipriya dreams of one day becoming a teacher, and Tripura Foundation encourages her with mentorship while providing educational opportunities to support her future endeavors.