The Key to Turn Struggle to Success
The resilience of the human spirit lives in the ability to turn struggle into success.
While it might be challenging to adopt a positive perspective when life feels difficult – this one choice could be the key to achieving extraordinary goals.
A Living Example
Sachin is a living example of the success of positive perspective.
Born to humble beginnings in India, his family struggled financially.
While he could have become depressed, his experience grew his determination to help those experiencing similar suffering.
Paying It Forward
Grateful for his opportunity to have an education, Sachin became a teacher.
He’s now a shining star in Tripura’s (PI) programs.
He works with 1019 students and 375 teachers in schools and Hope Learning Centers in Goa, India.
We recently sat down with Sachin for an update on his work. Inside his story, we heard 3 insights into the positive perspective that’s turned his struggle into success.
1. Recognize Your Gifts
“It is a beautiful thing that the PI program started in all the schools in Goa. Many children around us grow up in different situations. Some stay in luxury while others struggle to get an education.
Understanding the root of the problems for these children living in adverse circumstances, researching on these important issues, and launching PI programs as a solution- is truly a divine gift we have received.”
2. Against All Odds, Believe Change is ALWAYS Possible
“From the time students start practicing properly, the freshness on their faces appears. The discipline problems among them have decreased.
Teachers at the schools say that they feel the children are ready to learn new things after they practice PI- then teaching becomes easy and effective.
Also, children are more understanding than ever before. Their desire to learn is growing. Parents of some children contact me to share that focus on studies at home is increasing.”
3. Dream Big
“I am happy to be a part of this program as it has touched all the young children, teachers, parents, and the society as a whole.
I want PI practice to reach every learner in the world now. This method is capable of removing our flaws which is crucial to lead a better life. I am working towards this goal.”
Join Sachin to take positive action now as a supporter of education.
$10/mo supports 1 child’s attendance at an after school Hope Learning Center
$50/mo fuels the minds & bodies of 20 children with mini-meals 6-days-a-week at Hope Learning Center
$150/mo supports teaching costs of people like Sachin who inspire change