From Depression to Hope

Manikandan is in 7th grade and lives with his father. After his mother committed suicide a couple of years ago, Manikandan lived in a state of complete sadness and misery.  He wouldn’t eat and he stopped speaking with others, instead retreating to his own depressed world. His father and...

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A Ray of Hope for Pavadharini

Pavadharini is 11 years old.   When she came to one of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Centers, she shared her story in a voice that was barely loud enough for us to hear. She shared that her mother committed suicide when she was just 7 years old.  Pavadharini was left with her father,...

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The Passing of a Hope Hero

A few months ago, we shared the story of Sabreesh, one of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Center students and a 2014 Hope Hero awardee. Sabreesh suffered from a rare blood disorder and other health issues that often left him weak, and ultimately shortened his life.  Our hearts are heavy at the...

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