Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Centers have given students in various villages in India a true sense of purpose and strength, and these children continue to perform acts of compassion and love. In the short video clip above, discover exactly what makes Sabreesh an inspirational Hope hero....
The students of Tripura Foundation’s Hope Learning Centers in India continue to perform acts of bravery and compassion! In the above video, we introduce Santhanalakshmi, another amazing young Tripura HoPE hero attending 8th grade in the Trichy area in India. Click PLAY above to find out exactly...
Dr. Pillai’s birthday is on February 1, and he has a very personal birthday wish, a monumental vision for a new world. This vision includes a special kind of education that can teach children to help others and give back to people in need around them, thus creating a new world where compassion...
Pothiraja is in the 8th grade and lives in Veerapandi Village (Madurai) India. This young boy has undergone lot of struggle in his life prior to joining Tripura’s HoPE Learning Center. He lost his father at a very young age and his mother is mentally ill. He used to stay hungry and would...
As 2014 comes to a close, we here at Tripura Foundation want to wish you a happy, peaceful, prosperous and blessed new year! We’d also like to thank you and let you know how much we truly appreciate your support throughout the past year to help us move closer to making Heaven on Planet Earth...
One of my favorite things to hear about is children helping others. There’s something just so inspiring about it! So, naturally, I’m excited to share a very special new initiative that Tripura Foundation is launching, called Project SAVE. And what better way to introduce it than to show you the...
Hello everyone! I’m Chandra Sullivan, and I’ve been given the opportunity to write regular blog posts for the HoPE Post blog, alongside managing the Tripura Foundation Builds HoPE and Pillai Center Facebook pages. My aim in maintaining the HoPE Post blog is to make it lively, informative,...
Recently, a small group of Dr Pillai students were blessed to attend a Tripura Foundation charity fundraiser on the island of Rameshwaram, Dr. Pillai’s birthplace, and also the greatest karma busting vortex on the earth plane. The trip was also like a mini-Ambassadors of HopeTrip because...
Pratiksha has been at top of her class for the last two years since joining her local HoPE Learning Center. She aspires to be a doctor and serve the poor. A recent experience made her change her goal from teacher to doctor, when her family went through tremendous problems when her mother was ill...
AT PIRNA HOPE LEARNING CENTER BEFORE AFTER Sukadha a shy, timid girl who used to be very scared even to speak has turned to be bright and active after joining Hope Center. She has shown improvement not only in...
At Tripura Foundation, we are passionate about our cause to promote equal rights of children, to bring them out of poverty and suffering and to support their full participation in the social and economic development of their communities. That’s our vision and it’s the world we would like to build...