Thousands Abandoned and Live Without HoPE

When we told you about the neglect and extreme poverty that elders living in India’s rural villages were experiencing, you responded with kindness. Like the HoPE Learning Centers children that devised this program, you recognized the need and took action. Because of your generous support we were...

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Help Us Change 85 Elders’ Lives

Our elders are the backbone of every community. They hold the knowledge, culture and heartbeat of villages and communities, passing their legacies onto the next generation for years to come. Which is why, when our elders suffer and lose hope, our entire community suffers with them. Yet, when...

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Offering Hope One Day at a Time

Nandhini was in third grade and her sister a toddler when their father started having intense pains in his stomach and was hospitalized. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer and the doctors informed the family that it was too late to save him, as the cancer was already in a late stage. The family...

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Kanagavalli – An Unsung Hero

Kanagavalli is such an energetic and happy person that one could never imagine the tears she holds back when she speaks about her life prior to our HoPE Learning Centers. When she married into a very average family, she had no idea how much pain she would experience. Kanagavalli’s husband earned...

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A Challenging Life for Children

If you’re a parent, an aunt, an uncle, or someone with a special child in your life, then you know there is no greater joy in the world than holding a newborn baby in your arms. For most people in the world, it is a reminder that life holds limitless possibilities and that every day can serve as a...

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Nagajothi – A Wise Teacher

Nagajothi grew up as one of four children in a family that struggled each day to survive.  As the youngest child, Nagajothi was bought up with great love and care by her family.  She studied more than her siblings and made it to the 12th grade. Yet, by the time Nagajothi reached her late teens,...

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