A Story of Love Pandi Selvi’s story begins with her deep love for children. Driven by her passion to support her village’s children, she pursued her education to become a certified school teacher. She has been lucky to find a job teaching in a small village school. As Pandi matured,...
One of my favorite things to hear about is children helping others. There’s something just so inspiring about it! So, naturally, I’m excited to share a very special new initiative that Tripura Foundation is launching, called Project SAVE. And what better way to introduce it than to show you the...
In today’s busy world, some of us rarely have time to slow down and appreciate all that we have – comfy homes, reliable cars, supportive loved ones, etc. Yet, so many others don’t even have the very basics – over one billion people don’t have enough food! One way to...
Get Ready! Tripura Foundation is going to launch an initiative to feed the world, and we would like YOU to be a part of it. We are going to invite you to join our volunteer army of compassionate feeders by logging on to a website that will allow you and others to pledge serving meals directly to...
Our first step in screening children to be admitted to HoPE Learning Centers is to visit their homes to view their living conditions. During one visit in May 2012, we met this 12-year-old angel. Even though there was a sad look in her eyes, she was bold and said, “My name is Powrnica. My parents...