Kanagavalli is such an energetic and happy person that one could never imagine the tears she holds back when she speaks about her life prior to our HoPE Learning Centers. When she married into a very average family, she had no idea how much pain she would experience. Kanagavalli’s husband earned...
Maria Jocelyn comes from a family of fishermen on the shores of Rameshwaram. The hot and salty air blowing through the area makes it difficult for anyone but natives to live there. Maria’s father, a fisherman, had a dream to go to school and become educated. Unfortunately, he lacked both the...
In Detroit, Michigan, three 5th grade classes (100 students total) were trained in the implementation of Tripura Foundation’s Phonemic Intelligence (PI) program. Training the students to use the technique was delightful, easy and enjoyable. The children were all positive in their responses. Their...
Dr. Pillai’s birthday is on February 1, and he has a very personal birthday wish, a monumental vision for a new world. This vision includes a special kind of education that can teach children to help others and give back to people in need around them, thus creating a new world where compassion...
Sounds for Hope US By Alice Moore One of our star pilots this year is at Hope Rural School in Indiantown, Florida US. This pilot was started by Dr. Becky Prostko and Brent Cooper, along with assistance from Mary Ann Unger, Jodie Hartshorne, Rosemary Murphy and Dot Vanderhoff- our Phonemic...
Sounds for Hope US By Alice Moore Every day in the newspapers and on...
Labels Don’t Matter. Intelligence Does. What do you think of this story? “I am very happy to be autistic” says Jacob, 15 year old son of Kristine Barnett. Jacob was diagnosed with autism when he was 2, and doctors said he would never speak. But Kristine did not give up on her son and pushed...
We have all been convinced that soft skills are a major contributor to success, they certainly are. But we have seen increasingly that people with even the best personalities and soft skills fall short in life only because they could not handle the pressures that life brings upon us. Handling...
Northport K-8 kindergartners took part in a pilot study at the school called “Sounds For Intelligence!” The program consists of brain-strengthening sound exercises. The core techniques include a series of sounds vocalized while visualizing parts of the brain, eyes, ears and back of the neck. The...
This center is located at La Pasion, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Most of the student’s parents are day laborers who earn less than $8 USD per day. Many of the fathers are addicted to drugs and alcohol, so they do not take care of their families. Their houses are like rough wooden...
Today is Babaji’s Birthday. Today, in avery special way, he is radiating Love and Blessings to everyone. As you think of him and feel gratitude for all the miracles you have experienced with him and his teachings, this opens your heart to receive the Blessings. Thank you so much for making...